Financial Summary

  For the year ended 31 December
(RMB’000) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Revenue 2,422,810 2,198,217 1,571,382 1,632,779 1,536,763
Operating profit 367,074 416,192 236,659 301,251 221,436
Finance costs (42,254) (100,309) 5,682 (81,128) (65,930)
Share of loss of an associate 1,638 966 307 (386) (4,026)
Profit before taxation 326,458 316,849 242,648 219,737 151,480
Taxation (97,418) (101,558) (58,881) (74,229) (66,296)
Profit for the year 229,040 215,291 183,767 145,508 85,184
Profit attributable to:          
Owners of the Company 229,949 215,291 183,767 145,383 85,515
Non-controlling interests (909) - - 125 (331)
  229,040 215,291 183,767 145,508 85,184
Dividends 45,885 37,329 29,291 28,108 21,200
Earnings per share (RMB cents)          
Basic 29.67 27.78 26.81 22.4 15.8
Diluted 29.67 27.77 26.78 22.3 15.7
  As at 31 December
(RMB’000) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Non-current assets 1,601,601 1,179,097 556,978 460,229 464,678
Current assets 3,082,895 3,022,363 2,879,668 2,689,918 2,403,068
Total assets 4,684,496 4,201,460 3,436,646 3,150,147 2,867,746
Non-current liabilities 637,525 823,343 514,785 280,052 549,454
Current liabilities 1,751,177 1,282,278 1,010,459 1,263,160 846,203
Total liabilities 2,388,702 2,105,621 1,525,244 1,543,212 1,395,657
Net assets 2,295,794 2,095,839 1,911,402 1,606,935 1,472,089